My Inspiration

My Inspiration

Monday, October 21, 2013

Bad Horror Movie

I had CT scan today.

The nurse was so super friendly and was super excited to try out my mediport for the first time.

As I was laying there, I could hear the hustle and bustle around me but as I was chatting I became totally unaware of my surroundings.

All of the sudden I found myself in a bad horror movie.

The nurse moves the curtain aside and comes at me with the biggest needle ever.

And she plunges it into my chest. And I suck in and wait...and...nothing.

It went into the mediport and all was well.

Too bad my life had to flash before my eyes before I realized what was happening.

The nurse kind of laughed and said, "Oops, forgot to tell you that was going to happen."

Yeah, you did.

The next day when I saw the same nurse, she said, "You probably want to turn your head for this."

Yeah I do.

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