My Inspiration

My Inspiration

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Wigging Out

I'm well into recovery on this second round of chemo.

I was smarter about taking the medicine and it helped a lot.

After I was feeling a little better, I had a chance to go an get a wig with Vonda and my cancer buddies, Mary and Jackie.

I have to say,  I didn't really want to get a wig. I mean, part of me sort of wants to hide away until my hair grows back.

And if I'm going to spend the next few months hiding, I don't need a wig, right?

I spend a lot of time in denial. Can you sense it?

But during one of the snow days, I was having a conversation with my sweet Kendall.

She wondered if I would be driving her to school. I told her that I felt up to going and that I would ride along.

There was a long pause and she asked me if when I drove her if I would wear a hat or a wig to school.

And it made me realize that my baldness is still hard for her. And it makes some people uncomfortable.

So, while I don't necessarily feel like I need to wear a wig, I feel like there are situations and people who need me to, and I'm okay with that.

So, I  went.

Wig shopping is an interesting experience. There is an art to putting on a wig.

I mean, if the only wig you've ever tried on is in the Halloween aisle of Target, this is a whole different experience.

There are wig stands, and wig care, and picks and oh my gosh...just so much stuff.

The wigs are made so that it looks like your scalp. And they are snug. When you look up close, you just can't even tell it's a wig.

I seriously am doing things I never even imagined possible. Like being bald.


  1. It's kind of cool, because you look good in all of them. You can try on new hairdos :) Me being curly, I would want straight hair that I could feather....I never got the chance in 4th grade. :) Haha... You look amazing no matter what. Enjoy your Christmas. We are praying for you!

  2. Same beautiful woman, full of grace.. I love you friend!

  3. All those wigs are you..... Did you pick one? You my friend look pretty darn good bald too. Wish I were closer.

  4. I love your "smolder"!!! Ha Ha.
    "You are so beautiful to me..." :)

  5. Still our beautiful Tamee! And look at those beautiful flat ears! Wowzers

  6. I have to say, I just love you with short hair. (I love you with no hair too) The thing I love most is your smile. I miss you sis. Love you, Ruth
